Wanting to take a vacation soon but don't know where to go? Look no further because Sarasota, Florida is your next vacation destination. Learn about the city, historical attributions, restaurants, and activities that makes Sarasota your next travel adventure!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Historical Point of View

After learning the history of Sarasota County, I now want to share with you my perspective of interning in a historical building that was a part of the creation of the area.

For the past two summers I have worked for the Sarasota County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller. The building that I worked in used to be the old County Courthouse area along with the jail cell and corridors for the sheriff and his family.  

Working in a historical building was such an honor and experience.  The old court room is an image of something you would see in a television show, with some stain glass, dark wood, green leather chairs, and intricate wood carvings on the wall.  While I do not have any images to show you of this historical room, some couples who get married in it are very lucky to experience and be in a one-of-a-kind chamber.  

Photo Credit: Jennifer McElroy
 The outside of the building is still in the original form and design of when it was first built.  It is a three level story with dozens of office spaces and work areas.  While most of the internal parts of the building have been updated and modernized, some historical aspects of the original edifice have been preserved and maintained so visitors and employees can enjoy working in a special building.  I have enjoyed seeing and learning about the history of this building.  For living in Sarasota for most of my life, it has been an honor to intern somewhere that was a part of the beginnings of the establishment of Sarasota County.
Photo Credit: Jennifer McElroy

For couples or families traveling to Sarasota to get married, you can come apply for a marriage license here and even have your ceremony in the small marriage parlor inside the building.  For more information please visit their website.